Why the name?
Some have no doubt wondered why I chose to call my little business Scattered Seed Co, so I thought I would take the time to explain why here.
The name actually just came to me when I was looking to begin a new business offering my stationery and wall art. At the time I was considering designing and offering scripture wall art as my main product and the term 'Scattered Seed' reminded me of the Parable of the Sower that Jesus spoke to the crowd in the gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke in the Bible.
The Parable talks of a Sower that goes out to sow seed. And as he sows, some of the seed falls on the wayside and is eaten by the birds. Some falls on stony places and quickly springs up but has no depth of earth and is therefore scorched by the sun and withers away. And some fell among thorns, which sprang up and choked them. Then the last of the seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop of a hundred-fold, some sixty and some thirty.
My heart was that the seed (Word of God) sown by me through Scattered Seed Co, would find it's way into good ground and produce a mighty harvest for the Kingdom of God.
Although I didn't end up heavily going down the 'wall art' direction it is still my prayer that the word that goes forth from my little business bears much fruit. I love including a variety of floral 'thank you' scripture bookmarks with each order and consider those as seeds being sown. May they find good soil and be a blessing and an encouragement to many. Blessings, Ali xx